Portland Tribune

posted in: Press

All The Old Stuff’s New Again

[/one_third] [one_third]The wig store that formerly occupied the northeast corner of Northeast Fremont Street and Seventh Avenue was such a low-key retail presence it was sometimes hard to tell if it was open for business. Not so with the splashy resale store Rerun (707 N.E. Fremont St., 503-517-3786), which has carved out an eclectic niche for itself since opening last year. Half of the sizable parking lot out front is taken up by a scattering of furnishings, most of them from the post-midcentury decades suggested by the store’s ’70s-style design.[/one_third] [one_third_last]Trippy ambient music and other funky stuff plays on the sound system, advertising the place’s alternative vibe, as mostly young shoppers leaf through several clothing racks where man-made fibers dominate. There are nice deals in the shelves full of books, videos, CDs and other miscellany. A recent find was an unopened pack of 1990 Fleer baseball cards for $1 that had Ken Griffey Jr. in his first full season with the Mariners. That’s gotta be worth something. (EB)

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